Circle Statue

Consensus Decision-Making

A Virtual Learning Center for People
Interested In Making Decisions by Consensus

Test Your Understanding of Consensus

The following test is based on the video Consensus 101. After you complete the test you can check your answers and print a certificate of completion to verify that you have aquired a solid basic understanding of consensus.

1) Who are the "stakeholders" of a decision?

2) What increases the likelihood of active participation by group members?

3) Why would we never take a vote on Joe's proposal?

4) How much agreement are we trying to get in a consensus process?

5) Whole Group Thinking is:

6) The facilitator

7) The "vibes watcher"

8) The stacker

9) Participants

10) Important topics

11) A list of needs and concerns

12) Open discussion happens

13) The goal of open discussion is

14) When discussing proposals participants should

15) If you object to a popular proposal, you should

16) If only a few people object to a popular idea, the others should

17) Groups work more collaboratively when

18) Unanimity

19) A decision rule is

20) To be functional, a group needs

21) What benefits ensue from a unanimity decision rule?

22) When a popular proposal is blocked

23) Groups that have difficulty satisfying their decision rule

24) To get maximum agreement, it is most important to

25) Groups most suited to a uninimity decision rule are

26) Which of the following is NOT one of the ethics of blocking:

27) A consensus process can be used

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